Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem pochodzenia muzułmańskiego z zaburzeniami psychicznymi

Kliknij autora aby wyszukać wszystkie publikowane przez niego artykuły:
Piotr Wojda

2 (80) 2021 s. 69–76
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Cyfrowa wersja artykułu (plik PDF)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2021.8

Fraza do cytowania: Wojda P Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem pochodzenia muzułmańskiego z zaburzeniami psychicznymi. Piel Pol. 2021;2(80):69–76. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2021.8

In the era of globalization and mass migratory movements, nursing ought to address patients' needs determined by culture and religion. The knowledge of cultural and religious principles allows the provision of appropriate care, facilitates work, minimizes potential conflicts, and speeds up the patients' recovery process. It is emphasized that culture underlies the risk of developing a disease, its course, as well as the patient's willingness to start the treatment and the acceptance of therapeutic methods. Therefore, taking into account the cultural aspects facilitates having an impact on a patient with mental problems. Islam is one of the most prominent monotheistic religions worldwide, the second largest in Europe, and the fastest-growing world. The number of Muslim refugees and Poles converting to Islam keeps increasing year by year. Thus, it seems highly probable that a Polish nurse/male nurse will have to care for a Muslim origin patient. The provision of care by the medical personnel in Poland in the transcultural approach remains inadequate and shaped by insufficient knowledge, skills, stereotypes and the sense of superiority of the Western health care model. The work aimed to present the cultural aspects of care for the patient from the Muslim culture, present typical nursing problems, and indicate nursing activities consistent with a psychiatric patient's cultural expectations. The nursing interventions undertaken are compatible with the principles of Evidence-Based Practice and maybe a source of knowledge in cultural care for practising psychiatric nurses.

Słowa kluczowe: Muslims, culture care, nursing intervention, mental disorder.

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