

„Pielęgniarstwo Polskie” (Polish Nursing) is a quarterly. It prints reviewed original research, opinion articles and case studies, book reviews, conference reports, notes on events, obituaries, etc. in both Polish and English. “Pielęgniarstwo Polskie” (Polish Nursing) is published in the open-access on the following website: The editorial office is located in the Chair of Nursing, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, ul. Smoluchowskiego 11, 60-179 Poznan.

Paper submission:

Papers should be submitted electronically via the editorial journal processing system ‘Open Journal Systems’ (OJS), available in ‘submission of manuscripts on – line’. The paper should be entered into the system in accordance with the instructions, after logging in or registering if you are new to the system. When submitting papers in the OJS be sure to enter the following data:
- all authors’ first names and surnames with affiliation (use the option ADD THE AUTHOR)
- the completed scanned form of Authors’ declarations in the auxiliary file of the editorial system. The model declaration is available on: statement.doc

- the corresponding author’s address. The address should be entered only in the biographical note under the affiliation of the author in question. Please provide: name, full address (street, post code, town), office telephone number, e-mail address, author’s affiliation.


Manuscript preparation:

The text should be written with 12 spot font Times New Roman, with the space between the lines 1.5 (one and a half space), 2.5 cm margin from every side, without editing, i.e. without hard spaces, end of the line signs (so-called soft enters). It should be justified (balanced to the left and right-hand margins). One should write with an ordinary font in black exclusively (greased titles and subtitles are possible), without upper case distinctions, spacing out or underlining with the solid line, etc. In numbers, decimals should be separated by commas (not dots). Paragraphs should begin indented using the appropriate commands in a text editor (without using the so-called breaks between). Before saving, one must remove all selections used when editing the text. Papers in English should be written in the correct English language. The file should be saved in the format: DOC or DOCX. Pages should be numbered, starting with the title page.

The paper should include, in order:

- title page

- abstract in Polish and English

- key words in Polish and English

- manuscript with tables, figures and photographs

- literature prepared in accordance with the Vancouver style

- information on sources of funding and conflict of interest.


Title page:

It includes the paper title in Polish and in English. The title should not contain abbreviations. Please, do not include authors’ names and affiliations due to review anonymity.

Second page:

It contains abstracts in Polish and in English. The abstract of original papers should be structural – it should contain Introduction, Aim, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions; in case studies - Introduction, Aim, Case, Conclusions; in review papers - Introduction, Summary of each chapter, Summary / Conclusions. The abstract (in Polish and English) should contain no more than 250 words.

Abbreviations should be avoided, and when used, the explanation of the first application should be given.

Under the abstract key words should be included - not more than 5 in Polish and English, from among those listed in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)


Third and next pages:

They should contain the main text of the paper.



The original paper presents results of original investigations conducted in the field of nursery and medicine in general (see Introduction). The paper should be divided into:

Introduction – it should contain a synthetically recognized theoretical and empirical framework of the research along with its justification, without a detailed, comprehensive literature review and previous studies.

Aim – it should be clearly defined and should refer to the information included in the Introduction

Material - the description should be sufficiently detailed to allow for the study replication

Methods - the description should be sufficiently detailed to allow for the study replication. When using previously published methods and research tools, provide the appropriate bibliographical references.

Results – they should be presented in a clear and concise way, without a detailed repetition of the information contained in tables and figures.

Discussion - it should emphasize the importance of one’s own research results in the context of literature. It should not repeat results or replace the literature review.

Conclusions - they should be justified in the research carried out.

The text should not exceed 6000 words, i.e. about 12-15 pages (including tables, figures and references). References should not exceed 25 items. Please provide information on the approval of conducting the research by the relevant bioethics committee (in Material or Methods).


Opinion articles concern fundamental findings in the field of nursery and medicine in general. The opinion article structure is different from the original paper in the lack of the conducted study description and, instead of Discussion, it contains subsequent chapters constituting the main part of the paper (e.g. summarized conclusions from other publications). It is recommended to divide the text into chapters with concise titles and /or subtitles. Summary / conclusions contain authors’ own reflections resulting from the literature review, as described in separate chapters of the paper. The text should not exceed 6000 words, i.e. about 15-20 pages (including references).


The case study presents one or more interesting rare cases or clinical conditions. The paper should be divided into: Introduction, Case Description and Discussion. The text should not exceed 2500 words, i.e. about 3-4 pages  (including references).


The text should not exceed 1000 - 1500 words (2 pages).


Literature should be presented on a separate sheet of paper using the Vancouver style. Only references related to the topic of the paper should be included in the text of the manuscript. Quotations should be numbered according to their appearance in the text and marked using Arabic numerals in square brackets. Each new item in the list of references should be written in a new line, preceded by a number. Homogeneous punctuation should be respected as follows:

The sequence for a journal article should be the following: authors’ names and first names, paper title, journal title abbreviated as in the MedLine database (always ended up with a dot), year of publication, volume number, first and last page numbers. One should not include references: ‘in print’, ‘to appear soon’, ‘oral information’.


1.      Kowalski J., Nowak J. Nozologiczne aspekty bólów głowy. J. Med. 2007; 1:12–27.

The sequence for the book should be as follows: authors’ names and first letters of their first names, book title, place and edition of publication, year of publication, first and last page numbers.


2.      Pawlak P. Zycie i umieranie. Warszawa: PWN; 2007.12-32.


The sequence for the book chapters should be as follows: chapter authors’ names and first letters of their first names, chapter title, book title, book authors, place and edition of publication, year of publication, chapter first and last page numbers.


3.      Pawlak P. Zycie i umieranie. W: Malinowski A (red.). Gerontologia. Warszawa: PWN; 2007.12-32.


The sequence for the Internet should be as follows: authors’ names and first letters of their first names, paper title, full address of the website, access date.


Tables should be prepared in Word for Windows. They should be in the editable form, limiting vertical lines. All tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and a full word ‘TABLE’, not an abbreviation ‘tab.’ (e.g. Table 5). The titles in both Polish and English should be placed above tables. The text in the table should be written in 10-point Arial Narrow CE font. The width of the table should not exceed 8 cm or 16 cm. The interior of the table should also include the English version. The number of tables should be limited to the necessary minimum.


Charts should be prepared in Word for Windows or Excel. Illustrations must be saved in JPG or TIF format. Figures should be provided with Polish and English captions and numbered using Arabic numerals, with no abbreviation ‘fig.’ (e.g. Figure 5). Titles in Polish and English should be written in Word, they should be editable and should be placed under figures. The number of figures should be limited to the necessary minimum.


Each manuscript should be accompanied by authors’ declarations that the paper has never before been published in any other journal. To counteract the occurrence of ‘ghostwriting’ or ‘ghost authorship’ phenomena the Editorial Board asks all listed authors of submitted papers to provide information on their contribution to manuscript preparation. The information has to be qualitative in character, i.e. the authors should state whether their work included preparation of the conceptual framework, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. Authors are also asked to state sources of funding for research, the results of which are presented in the submitted paper. The declaration, attached to the manuscript, should be signed by all authors of a submitted paper.


Abbreviations must be defined in full along with their first appearance in the text. They should be placed in brackets after a full text. Their correctness should be checked. Avoiding abbreviations in titles and abstracts is recommended. Abbreviations used in tables and figures should be defined in captions below.


All submitted papers are initially evaluated by the Chief Editor or a member of the Academic Council. The manuscripts may be turned down or reviewed further by two reviewers who do not know authors’ names or the name of authors’ institutions. On receiving the reviews, the Chief Editor decides whether the manuscript should be published, published after slight corrections, published after essential corrections or rejected. Authors receive remarks on the paper regardless of the decision made. If the manuscript is to be published after corrections, authors are required to express their opinion on reviews within 30 days.

The Editor reserves the right to make any adjustments of style, terminology and abbreviations as well as corrections of the English version without asking for the author’s consent.


In case manuscripts are to be published, the Editor acquires the copyrights and no electronic or hard copy can be made without the Editor’s consent.


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